I still think you don’t understand the model, perhaps best to read this post to get a better feel of where we’re coming from: A ‘Cash Cow’ is on the Agenda. Update: There is a follow up post about… | by Drew McCormack | Medium
Perhaps your rationale would be valid if all features would be equal, a bit like credits per month of use, but that’s not the case either, you can’t for example compare the work needed to give you inline images support with the work to implement archiving of notes. These things are variable and hard to quantify, is 1 big feature worth more or less than 5 small ones?
In the end of the day it’s about finding a model that is a fair balance between allowing us a way to sustain and support Agenda so it doesn’t just disappear one day, and you as a user to have a choice and not being forced/blackmailed in a recurring payment model.
Again, the above article explains this in a much better way, hopefully convincing you to support our work.