Why the small size font in the application? I can read the text on this site, but where I really need to have the text easy to read is in the application itself. I have already sent my request and got a reply there would be a fix for this problem. So far I never use this application because I can’t stand to try to read small text that is also a faint gray color.
I have never had a problem of this type in any other application. Just fix it please.
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I believe the text size is comparable to Apple’s own notes app, but we are indeed aware it would be good to allow this to be changed, and have plans for that.
Thanks for the feedback!
I did take a look last night, but I missed this good news. Thanks for sending this message.
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You are right. Text size is similar to Apple’s Notes. And when I think about it, text size and lack of a few basic text options is why I dump stuff in Notes but don’t use it to write notes. The same goes for Agenda. Love the app, see its potential, anxiously await further development, but it’s underutilized in part because of text issues. I know it’s on your list but maybe it can be a sooner rather than later update. Thanks, as always, for the forum.
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Rest assured it’s very high up on our list, didn’t make the cut of the 2.0 by little.
Thanks so much. I like the application, but as I have gotten older, even with glasses I don’t see as well as I did several years ago.
I will rest assured. Thanks again. By the way, I have gotten a number of replies to my request. Should I do something to let people in the community know I have been heard? I am not that clued in concerning the proper way to use this community.
By the way, I have gotten a number of replies to my request. Should I do something to let people in the community know I have been heard? I am not that clued in concerning the proper way to use this community.
No need to do anything, these replies should correspond to the responses shown above here.
Update: In the 2.1 update it is possible to change the text size of your notes just like a web browser (under the View menu, or by typing CMD+ and CMD- shortcuts):
Choose a larger font, or more compact version than the default:
Thank you for making it possible to increase the font size in the body of a note. We, the over 50s, would also love to be able to comfortably read the app text. We are aware that we are in a minority and that our request will never reach a high priority status, but we keep trying because we can scale our screens only so much before we just have to give up on tiny font apps no matter how much we love them, and yes, that includes Notes.
Many thanks,
This is indeed something we have on our list as well, not something that will come tomorrow or in the short term, but we want to address it in a future update yes.