As a fervent OmniFocus user of the first hour, it was exactly this that made me search for another app (and eventually finding Agenda). I was using many other apps; to run a pipeline in, to draft proposals, keep stuff to refer to, links, ideas, recipes etc. etc. Agenda gives me the opportunity to keep (almost) everything in one place.
I wrote about how I use Agenda here: The Eisenhower Method
Since I wrote that, nothing too much changed, except that I ditched TextExpander altogether now because of Agenda’s Templates - links to contacts in CardHop I now make with Apple’s own text replacement.
Tasks with deadlines in my system have exactly that: deadlines, #expires(today)
. Just like Pat Maddox wrote.
They’re also tagged with an Eisenhower category. Saved-overviews of those, I can easily search on expiration dates.
Prospects - for me - are not projects as such. A project is something I work on together with a client. So as soon as contacts go from “suspect” to “prospect” etc to becoming a client, they get their own project. “Acquisition” as such is a project, though.
I like it a lot, not to only see what is to be done but see contexts as well. It sort of keeps me extra engaged to what I’m doing.
Hope this was useful,