Colored Font and Highlighting

Cheers, as said, all “on the agenda”, there are a whole range of items that have been there basically from day one, see also The features we are working on right now…. Just chewing away on them at a pace of 24hrs in a day :wink:


Good idea. We need colored text and highlighting. It makes it easier to stay engaged with my various projects.


need highlight

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Please~~ Font color is really great and necessary feature!!


+1 here for both highlighting and colours!

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Yep, this has been on the list for a while. We hope to get to it in the not too distant future.

To add to what @drewmccormack is saying, while Agenda 14 won’t feature it yet, part of the reasons it’s taking longer than usual to ship this update is that we’re doing a lot of under-the-hood work to prepare among other things for coloured text and highlighting…


Thanks for clarity!


Can you give us a timeline? I’ve begun to avoid using Agenda due to 2 things: Lack of various color options and a simple, more obvious way to search for notes.

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Alas, a timeline is hard to give, as shown by how much time Agenda14 has taken us already, good news is that it will lay the foundation for the coloured font and highlight options, so it should hopefully be coming not too long after as both of these are our top priority pretty much. But as always that depends on many things and trying to balance everything.


Glad to hear that colors and highlighting are in the (near?) future. :heart:

Is there any news on this? I don’t see the option to change colour in my current Agenda - Version 13.1.1 (195)?

In Agenda 14 we’ve put the foundation in place, we expect to add support for font colours and highlights in the updates following Agenda 14


Just to add to that, although we are not adding colors or fonts in Agenda 14, we are adding colored tags. As mentioned, colored text is not far off.


I’m generally a big user of highlighting as well. But I do urge folks not to overlook underlining as an alternate tool in the toolkit. I use an idiosyncratic combination of bold, italic, underline, and emoji to signal various kinds of emphasis in my notes.

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Note that we already do support underlining, though not colored underlining. (I guess maybe that was your point)

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Agreed. Besides being able to add Action Items to Apple Reminders, I like to have them in my meeting notes in Red font. That way, I can quickly spot them as I scroll through my notes


It would make like a lot simpler if you added colored fonts. I use my notes to review with others in my team and that way I can color code the comments of each in a different color and find them more easily. Thx.

You’ll be pleased to hear that colored fonts will be part of Agenda 15 :smiley: