Code Highlighting

Is code highlighting ever going to be supported? This, of course, would require a greater sense of what language is being used. It could be done how markdown does it, like so:

def func(self):
    # body

This is indeed a popular request, thanks for the suggestion!


I would be greate if you could add this feature in the future release!
I usually use Agenda save my code snippets, but it’s a little bit hard to see with all black plain text. :sweat_smile:


Another vote for this. Would love to have something like GFM fenced code blocks where the language can be specified. Bear does it. Not suggesting you do everything the way Bear does :wink: Also realize that Agenda isn’t a Markdown editor but surely there could be a new style for code blocks.


+1 for code highlighting!! Please move that feature up in your requests list. That’s a must for anyone how uses agenda to store code snippets. Thanks


+1 for code highlighting from me too, dont have to be colorized, just boxes around code fragments like in markdown


+1 for code highlighting

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+1 for code highlighting

Even just display the tick surrounded text in a greyed box would make it easier to spot the quoted text. (like how the Bear editor handles it).

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+1 for code highlighting, it’s very neccesary for our coders who love this app! So, please, let us get this feature ASAP!

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de la coloration syntaxique en fonction du langage.

mais aussi une meilleure identification du code dans le texte et des blocs de code (comme il est d’usage d’habitude) permettrait une meilleure lecture .

plus de couleur pour soulgner, surligner ou colorer les caractères serait vraiment sublime pour cette appli déjà super

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+1 for code highlighting

+1 Having this would be really helpful!

+1 for code highlighting!

+1 for code highlighting!

Essential feature for me to make it an useful note taking app!

+1 Coding highlighting is important to us programmers.

yes code highlighting please :pleading_face:

Any updates on the status of code blocks?

This is a major feature that is keeping me from using Agenda.

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The work we’ve done in Agenda 14 on the editor included a lot of the necessary bits for code block support. We hope to add it in one of the next updates but unfortunately it’s too early to tell in which release it ends up exactly. Stay tuned.

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