Can (people) tags link to Contacts entries

People tags are no different from other tags if they don’t refer to actual people.

Currently Agenda offers no ability to link a person tag to an actual person. The developers could get rid of the “people” feature entirely; we could use (tags) with people’s names in them, and Agenda would be basically the same.

If people tags linked to the entries in Contacts, just as Agenda notes link to Calendar entries, we’d have a much more compelling system.

Can this be a thing? Please?


Yes, this has definitely always been the idea behind making tags and people two different entities, it’s on our list, see The features we are working on right now…


I fully support this suggestion. Thanks!

+1 :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2:

That would be a huge improvement.

+1 for this. Currently people tags are just tags with a different symbol.

this seems to me like a must have. Any update after so many years?

When I create something like “call @Tom”, I would expect to have all info about Tom at hand: his Contact card with phone number, email, etc.

Agenda uses links to other apps a lot (nicely too), but Contact cards seem to not work properly. Drag and Drop of a card copies the card to Agenda, but does not display the info. double clicking tries to add it back to the Contacts app.

The new People browser in Agenda 18 is the first step towards Contact integration which is indeed still high up on our to do list. We’ll first focus on improved search though.

Along these lines. I was thinking of making a bunch of backlink notes for specific companies/entities I interact with, but It would be nice to have an alternate to people tags that function as company/entity tags. These could be stand alone, or function as groups of people tags.

Yes, these are indeed items on our list.