Agenda automatically and randomly copy and paste text in a list

What I did:
Creating a list with (-). The list item I wrote includes text in 4 to 5 raws. I use the internal ipados keyboard.

What happened:
After a while when I start to edit the text or add more list items the whole list with items seems to be copied and pasted randomly many times after each other. Sometimes Agenda copy the text of an list item and paste it randomly many times after each other. Sometimes when scrolling the bug extended list ups and down the list gets more normal in size of items but the text of a list item that was pasted randomly many times after each other are still there.

What I expected:
That Agenda itself not should copy and paste text randomly outside my control.

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):
Agenda 20.0.1 IpadOS ipadair 5th gen.

This also happened to me on my iPhone. I don’t remember exactly what I did, but it happened after I tried to edit a note shared for collaboration. I remember deleting this note as a solution to the problem.

Now I tried to copy the list items and created a new note to paste the text. I deleted the old note. The problem has not occured yet🙂.

When ”:” are used it’s a good way to create emojis.
The old note had many ”:” in the text, but not for creating emojis. I tried to deleting all ”:” to avoid problems I’ve seen before when using ”:”.

The internal iospad keyboard behaviour I seen before when using ”:” sometimes leads to an awful slow and buggy Agenda. Sometimes when it happens the cursor is unpossible to move with the space-button in the text. After that the cursor go bananas all over the text and sometimes it paste text randomly many times again and again.

Maybe the problem sometimes occurs when using ”:” in Agenda note text?

We did have this in the past, and thought we had fixed it.

It can happen if somehow there is a new line character (return/enter) embedded where it should not be, like in a link. If you can think of what might have gone wrong in your case, let us know. (A new note is a good solution though)

Today I saw randomly pasted text again.

I’m not sure but maybe the filter text option fool me sometimes. If you don’t keep an eye on paragraphs and the small icon button :arrow_up_down: they will fool you not seeing if the text is filtered or not.

Anyway if this is the problem or not it would be an improvement to have an easy-to-read button or text below the note text that has not been filtered that indicates that note text is filtered.

As it is now the only way to see if the note is filtered is the icon button :arrow_up_down:.

Best regards PĂ€r

Yes, the arrow button, but also the yellow text at the top under the project title. It’s not on the note itself, but is intended to be quite visible (hence highlight yellow).

We’ll think about it. It’s a balance between seeing that something is filtered, and cluttering the note with lots of indicators or controls showing where pieces of text are hidden. It could get quite messy if we aren’t careful.

Still the bug exist!

I was working on a note and I remember that I copied text from my wikipedia app to the note with included link. I used the function ”link to text”. I kept on editing the note and 10 minutes later this happen:

Before bug.pdf (66.7 KB)
After bug.pdf (90.9 KB)

”Before bug.pdf” is the text just before the bug and ”After bug.pdf” after the bug.

After bug is full of randomly text block pasted everywhere.

Is it reasonable that a link in text cause this bug?

/best regards PĂ€r

The random text is the other text duplicated, is that right?

This is a bug, but a link should never have a new line in it. We should be checking for that, and we did add code to do it, but perhaps we missed something.

The answer is yes.
If I divide the text in textblock instead(TB) maybe you will get a better overview.

TB5 TB14 (part of TB5)
TB7 TB15 (part of TB7)

























When I started to edit and divide the text by adding own text block marks as ”TB1start, TB2stop
TB13stop” the same thing happens again with that text. Randomly pasted text everywhear and also text that was (visually) changed temporarily (same line with text after each other) but now I can’t see them.


Just to confirm: does this all happen in that one note with the link? If you start a completely new note, does this same problem arise, without the link?

It’s a good question. I’m not sure but from now on I’m going to create new notes without links. Ofcourse I will give you feedback about that.

I copied the text (no links in it) from the old note to a new note. At first there was no problem. I started to editing and adding new text to the new note. Once again i copied text from wikipedia that included a hyperlink. The hyperlink itself wasn’t of interest so I used “link to text”. I think the problem arised after that.

Before paste links into Agenda is there a way to choose between a “good” and a “bad” link?

Skickat frÄn min iPad

New feedback. It happens again with NO LINKS INCLUDED.

What I did: I pushed the button to use function ”one window for the actual note” (at the end of the note with two cards lying on each other . To the right is the note setting button.).

Then I pushed the ”no filter” text button (the button with two arrows) to see all text in that note. Lots of copy and paste text blocks added everywhere as before.

As it is now I can’t use Agenda because of that bug. It’s too irritating for me.

It’s very strange that it seems like I’m the only user with this problem, isn’t it?

Best regards PĂ€r

To be clear:
The note once again was a new note with copied text (no links there) from the last note with the problem. It feels like a virus

It’s so weird. 2 hours ago I sent feedback about lots of text blocks everywhere. After that I closed my iPad (not turned off) and now everhing is fine again except a few bug rows with text.

The note is a list of difficult words and the meaning of them. It’s intro text and then a list in alphabetic order. I did a copy as (I choosed text).

The result is below with added text (text)

SvÄra ord

Innan jag bröt min armbÄge sÄ kunde jag inget av dessa ord och definitioner. Inga lÀnkar i denna notes.

Wrongly Pasted text

  • Extension=StrĂ€cka en led sĂ„ att den rĂ€tas ut.
  • Extension=StrĂ€cka en led sĂ„ att den rĂ€tas ut.
  • Extension=StrĂ€cka en led sĂ„ att den rĂ€tas ut.
  • Extension=StrĂ€cka en led sĂ„ att den rĂ€tas ut.
  • Extension=StrĂ€cka en led sĂ„ att den rĂ€tas ut.
  • Extension=StrĂ€cka en led sĂ„ att den rĂ€tas ut.

Wrongly Pasted text

  • Extension=StrĂ€cka en led sĂ„ att den rĂ€tas ut.
  • Flexion=Böja en led, vad gĂ€ller en armbĂ„gsled Ă€r det att ”spĂ€nna överarmens muskel”.

Correct list in alphabetic order

  • Aktivt rörelseomfĂ„ng=Det rörelseomfĂ„ng (som anges och mĂ€ts i grader) som du kan ta ut i en kroppsdel/led pĂ„ egen hand. Man anvĂ€nder enbart kroppsdelens egna muskler för att tĂ€nja eller dra ihop en led. Ingen yttre kraft anvĂ€nds. Motsatsen Ă€r Passivt rörelseomfĂ„ng.

  • Distalt=Anger en **riktning som **Ă€r frĂ„n överarmen till handens fingerspetsar via underarmen.
    Copied text

  • Extension=StrĂ€cka en led sĂ„ att den rĂ€tas ut.
    Copied text

  • Flexion=Böja en led, vad gĂ€ller en armbĂ„gsled Ă€r det att ”spĂ€nna överarmens muskel”.

  • Ledfunktion=RörelseomfĂ„ng=Hur mycket en kroppsdel/led kan röra sig mellan olika Ă€ndlĂ€gen (exvis mellan extension (X) och flexion (Y)). ÄndlĂ€gena mĂ€ts och anges i grader (”X grader-Y grader”). Exempel) ArmbĂ„gens ledfunktion Ă€r (0-150). Vid rak arm sĂ„ Ă€r den 0 grader. Underarmen kan sedan röra sig 150 grader uppĂ„t.

  • Luxation=Att benen i en led förskjutits, vilket försĂ€tter leden ur led.

  • Mobilisera=Passivt rörelseomfĂ„ng=Man anvĂ€nder en yttre kraft för att tĂ€nja eller dra ihop en led (kroppsdel) med mĂ„let att öka rörelseomfĂ„nget. Det Ă€r oftast en sjukgymnast som bidrar med den yttre kraften.

  • NeutrallĂ€ge för hand/arm=En position dĂ€r kroppens framsida visas dĂ„ handflatan och armen vilar mot kroppens sida, med tummen lĂ€ngst fram. Om bara överarmen vilar mot kroppens sida och underarmen böjs sĂ„ att vinkeln mellan över- och underarm blir 90 grader med tummen ”lĂ€ngst upp av fingrarna” och den positionen kallas ocksĂ„ neutrallĂ€ge eftersom handen inte gjort nĂ„gon egen rörelse nĂ€r underarmen lyfts upp.

  • Passivt rörelseomfĂ„ng=Mobilisera=Det rörelseomfĂ„ng (en vinkel som mĂ€ts i grader) som du kan ta ut i en led (kroppsdel) med hjĂ€lp av en yttre kraft. Man kan exvis anvĂ€nda den yttre kraften för att tĂ€nja eller dra ihop en kroppsdel/led. Motsatsen Ă€r ”Aktivt rörelseomfĂ„ng”.

  • En rotationsrörelse inĂ„t gentemot kroppens medellinje.

  • Pronation för handen=En rörelse dĂ„ handflatan vrids nedĂ„t frĂ„n neutrallĂ€get (=0 grader). Pronation 90 grader=Handflatan Ă€r helt nedĂ„t

  • Proximalt=Anger en riktning frĂ„n handens fingrar till överarmen och axeln via underarm och armbĂ„gsled.

  • RörelseomfĂ„ng=samma som __Ledfunktion __

  • Supination=Det avser inĂ„trotation av en kroppsdel. Supination pĂ„ handen Ă€r en rörelse dĂ„ handflatan vrids nedĂ„t frĂ„n neutrallĂ€get (=0 grader). Pronation 90 grader=Handflatan Ă€r helt nedĂ„t.

  • Suturer = de stygn som lĂ€kare, sĂ€rskilt kirurger, anvĂ€nder för att hĂ„lla samman hud, inre organ, blodkĂ€rl och annan vĂ€vnad i den mĂ€nskliga kroppen efter en olycka eller ett kirurgiskt ingrepp.

  • Traktion= Metoder för att strĂ€cka eller avlasta i ett skelettsystem.

  • Triceps=En muskel pĂ„ överarmens baksida som ser till att armen kan rĂ€ta ut sig.

  • Ulnart=Anger en riktning mot (i nĂ€rheten av) lillfingrets sida vad gĂ€ller hand och underarm.

It sounds to me like it has something to do with that extra window, and the text filtering. That combination.

Perhaps the two windows are playing ping pong, generating new sentences.

Can you give me very specific steps to trigger this so I can try it. E.g

  1. Start in a project with text filtering turned on
  2. Copy some text from web, and paste into window
  3. Click button to make multiple windows

In particular, please make clear exactly what text filtering settings are applied in each window at each point.

I think my priority will be this.

  1. For me the priority will be to use agenda without any extra options. It’s ok for me if the bugs don’t arise again. If the bugs arise again I will unfortunately temporarily stop to use Agenda and do the work in another app.

The first try will be to delete text filter option from the project AND not use any Focus mode windows at all. Links will not be allowed in the text.

In the future I will give you feedback if bugs are there or not.


No textfilter. No focus mode. No links == No bugs so far