X-Callback to Find?

I am thinking about doing rapid logging Bullet Journal style with Agenda and OmniFocus, starting in Drafts, and then using actions/shortcuts to send content to Agenda and, if actionable, OmniFocus.

What I would like is to use a “Rapid Logging” project in Agenda, and then for a shortcut to check for the existence of a daily note, create it if it’s not there, and then append content to it.

All of this I can do except I’m not sure how to check for a project with x-callback. Does anyone have any thoughts about how to accomplish this, or ideas around anything I’ve missed?



At this moment x-callback support is limited to being write-only, as in you can write things to Agenda but there’s no way yet to read things (which would include “finding” items) from Agenda. Something we hope to add in the not too distant future.

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Okay cool, that what I had figured. I’ll make the creation of a note part of my morning routine and send content assuming the note is there.

Thanks for the quick reply, @mekentosj!


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