Where are the iCloud Files?

I believe years ago Apple changed from using viewable Application folders on iCloud to some new super secret place for applications to use for their syncing and storage.

If you can say, how can I see where Agenda files are being stored on iCloud, so I feel safer that I can check on them? Or is this some sort of lock-down tactic Apple has going on here?

I’m thinking that files that are downloaded as part of a paid subscription, like Netflix and such, want to keep their storage unavailable to snooping eyes.

Same goes for iOS, don’t see any data folder in Files for Agenda notes?


I found this post, it answers my suspicions.

And I was able to see the data storage used.

You are half remembering it…

iCloud still does have a place for files, and it is used by certain applications. These apps let you see the files in iCloud Drive in Finder or in Files on iOS.

Apple introduced a second part of iCloud Drive about 10 years ago, called CloudKit. This is more powerful, and works like a cloud database. It is not intended for the user to browse, it is cloud storage to be used by apps. We use it for Agenda sync.

The data stored in the cloud for sync is completely different to the notes in Agenda. You couldn’t read it, and it isn’t even broken into separate notes or anything like that. Basically, it is designed purely to sync devices, and nothing else.

You can’t see the cloud data in iCloud Drive, but Apple does count this data toward your iCloud Drive storage. What’s more, if you go into Settings, and into iCloud, and then iCloud Drive, you should be able to find a “Manage” type button which shows all the apps storing things in iCloud, whether you can see the files or not. You can also remove the data there if you wish (doing that for Agenda will cause the sync to stop).

Hope that explains it better. There is nothing underhanded or conspiratorial, just a sync system using a cloud database, where the data is not in human-readable form.

Kind regards,