What to do with multiple project notes

I see what you’re after, basically a view with all notes linked to the same event, something we’ll keep in mind when we revamp the search possibilities, hopefully later this year.


Thanks for monitoring this thread and acknowledging the request! I’ll look forward to it!

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That would be really helpful. I’d love to be able to scroll up and down a collection of notes associated with an event that may be spread over several projects.

For example: agenda, last meetings notes, some research papers, draft proposal, notes to self with negotiating tactics.

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I like this idea! And it totally makes sense.

Hi there, just following up since I got some notifications (I think you linked one of these posts in another response)… Any chance this has been put on the roadmap? :slight_smile: No rush! :slight_smile:

No, I’m afraid not, it’s not something we plan to support atm.

Hi there, wondering if there was any update on this? :slight_smile:

It doesn’t really fit with the way Agenda works, where every note belongs to a single project, which gets synced separately.

For this case, I recommend using tags. Make a saved search for the tag you are interested in, and add the tag to the top or bottom of any notes you want to include.

Perhaps someday we can add a different type of container which is not a project, but where you can manually put things in and reorder. But for now we don’t have that.

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