What to do with multiple project notes

One week user of Agenda, loving it but missing some things—tags list among that bc, as you say, it is hard to remember what tags have been created. I started a note called AGENDA TAGS and have to remember every time I add one—which makes me hesitant to use them freely. There is a solution out there, hopefully within my year of upgrades! Meanwhile, realizing that I do not go to Dynalist or Zenkit NEARLY as often now I’m using Agenda.

A tag browser and better ways to assign and edit them, including auto-completion, is definitely on our to do list.


+1 for notes in multiple projects.

I’m experimenting with an almost mirror alternative to the index note idea:

  1. a single “journal” project contains all of my notes
  2. each note in the journal is linked to its associated project(s)

#1, the journal, provides a single place for review and introspection;
#2, projects, provides a single place to see only notes associated with a specific initiative/project

The ability to associate a note with multiple projects enables this simple (in my opinion) approach without the overhead of maintaining (and additional abstraction required by) index notes.

Right now I am working around the 1:1 note:project constraint by manually copying/pasting the note and Agenda Link from the Journal to a new note in the associated project(s).

Eliminating this manual activity with the ability to associate a note with multiple projects would provide a productivity boost and make using Agenda the way I want to use it much easier — so +1!

I’m sure, as @mekentosj stated, that the implementation of a 1:many relationship between notes and projects carries additional complexity, so I know it isn’t as easy as it may appear; but I would definitely welcome the capability.

As always, I’m grateful for Agenda, the awesome support and the opportunity to share ideas with two smart, thoughtful human beings who make my life better. Thank you :pray:t4:.

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Hello @mekentosj, just following up on this: any thoughts on the possibility/likelihood/timeline of enhancing Agenda to support assigning a note to multiple (or at least 2) projects?


It’s very unlikely we will ever support this I’m afraid. The workaround is to use Agenda links to point from within one note to another, optionally creating an “index note” in the second project who’s main purpose is to serve as an alias to the note in the first project.

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Thanks for the responsiveness and candor Alex. The suggested workaround, while functional, adds a layer of manual activity that breaks my flow. I was hoping this might be alleviated by an enhancement to support multi-project note association; but I respect your development priorities.

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Hi Alex, I recently opened a discussion with the exact same request. Searching for alternate ideas helped me run into this thread.

I like your idea where you suggest having Agenda links point from one note to another. However, within a certain project that would mean having a flurry of links that one has to click into and back out of to get an overview of the progression of a project.

I was thinking that having the option of adding linked notes but have them appear in a “full width” mode (in an expanded mode, if you will) would resolve the issue. It would work just like attaching images - where one gets the option to simply have a link (inline), thumbnail or full width. Links could be inserted inline (as they currently are in a blue font), or be inserted in a full-width mode where one can read (-only) the linked note.

If I am able to link to meeting notes and have them be previewed inline in full-width, that’ll let the project have meaning in its own without having to click in and out. Does that sound implementable? Let me know and I would be happy to file a feature request! :slight_smile:


Not sure notes inside notes is a good idea. We have some ideas how to make this flow better, which might come close to the solution you are proposing. Having said that, often when you find yourself having notes that kind of belong to multiple projects you might consider re-thinking the hierarchy or setup of your projects.

For example, depending on the situation it might make sense to split a note into multiple notes, each put in the appropriate project, while each can be linked to say the same meeting calendar event. The event then automatically acts like your “index card” for the meeting. Sometimes it might also make sense to focus the products on teams rather than products/topics, for example by having a dedicated project for the weekly team meeting, etc.


That’s a reasonably good workaround. Thanks for sharing!

Follow up request based on your suggested workflow -

Now, I end up having about 4-5 notes under a certain meeting. The way to navigate to those notes is somewhat cumbersome at the moment. For each note, I have to

  1. Click the meeting
  2. Click “Go to Linked Note”
  3. Choose the appropriate note (all typically having the same title)

Here’s what I have been doing now. Ahead of a meeting, I create the agenda with multiple notes and even re-title the notes to avoid confusion. However, during the meeting, I have found that switching notes/contexts is hard (have to go through the 3 step process listed above for each note).

It would be cool if there was an option to

  1. Click the meeting
    2 Click “Go to linked note”
  2. Select a new option “All notes”. When clicked, all the notes linked to that meeting will appear one under another in the main pane. Thus, during a meeting, one wouldn’t have to click around and have everything showing on the main pane.

Does that make sense? What do you think?


Apologies if I’ve not fully understood what you’re trying to achieve, but tags could be helpful. I used people tags a lot, and clicking on the tag in a note gives the option to search on all notes with that tag.

This allows me to see all notes across all projects with a particular persons tag in it. I find it really useful before a phone call or meeting with the person to show me all interactions etc that I’ve recorded.

You could use company name as a tag for example.

I’m waiting for a tag browser and autocompletion before making much more use of tags, without these there’s too much risk of creating duplicate tags and getting in a mess, eg #film #films #movies #movie!


Here are some bad mockups (see Imgur link below… click on it … there are 4 images) to explain what I’m talking about :slight_smile:

The Imgur link has explanations of how it works currently - have to select notes one by one - vs. the proposed solution of seeing all meeting minutes in one go.


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I see what you’re after, basically a view with all notes linked to the same event, something we’ll keep in mind when we revamp the search possibilities, hopefully later this year.


Thanks for monitoring this thread and acknowledging the request! I’ll look forward to it!

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That would be really helpful. I’d love to be able to scroll up and down a collection of notes associated with an event that may be spread over several projects.

For example: agenda, last meetings notes, some research papers, draft proposal, notes to self with negotiating tactics.

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I like this idea! And it totally makes sense.

Hi there, just following up since I got some notifications (I think you linked one of these posts in another response)… Any chance this has been put on the roadmap? :slight_smile: No rush! :slight_smile:

No, I’m afraid not, it’s not something we plan to support atm.

Hi there, wondering if there was any update on this? :slight_smile:

It doesn’t really fit with the way Agenda works, where every note belongs to a single project, which gets synced separately.

For this case, I recommend using tags. Make a saved search for the tag you are interested in, and add the tag to the top or bottom of any notes you want to include.

Perhaps someday we can add a different type of container which is not a project, but where you can manually put things in and reorder. But for now we don’t have that.

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