What’s next for Agenda

I just renewed my license and I’m wondering what features you are working on next. I’m hoping that it’s integration with Apple Contacts.

I’m loving the text filtering in Agenda 20. Great work!


Thanks for the encouragement! Appreciate it.

We are considering a bunch of things for the next update, and contacts is certainly one on the list. Can’t promise anything yet, but your request bumps it up a bit! :smiley:


Please add another request for integration with Apple Contacts.


:white_check_mark: Calendar

:white_check_mark: Reminders

:x: Contacts

Feels like Contact integration is a local next step!

Would love to see this - being able to have a task like: “Call Jo Bloggs” then clicking on the name and being taken straight to Jo’s entry in the Apple Contacts and dialing from there.

Also, related notes panel showing other notes including Jo Bloggs.

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Yep, makes total sense, and is very high on our list.


Hmm. What about integration with Mail.app on Desktop?

Can you be more explicit? What integration would you like?

One problem with Mail is it has no share sheet. I have no idea why. So it already starts off from a point of not integrating very well.

What you can do is drag a message into Agenda to get a link to the message.

Let me know what other ideas you have.


That works when I drag into a new note.

Looks like the mistake I was making was not selecting the note in Agenda before dragging in the email.

Right. A note does have to be selected, because that puts it into editing mode.

Glad it worked out! Let us know if we can help with anything.

I’m another one to add to the Contacts integration. It completes the circle for me with Agenda, and also means I can finally retire my Newton and upgrade my Mini to a new one!

I like to track customer notes against visits or calls (Calendar) and link back to the customer (Contacts). Reminders to action something for the customer or project deadlines.

Scribble on the iPad is excellent now and can replace my Newton.

Thanks! I see a trend here :slight_smile:

Yes, Contacts integration seems like a slam dunk. Been on the list since the beginning, and fast approaching the day where we need to add it. Agreed!