The Login to the agenda community does not work with Safari. After the login screen with username and password I’m redirected to the start screen of the community and I still see the login button in the top right corner.
I am going to guess you are using a beta version of Safari, because it has this issue. It seems it is a bug in safari. There is a simple workaround. When it goes back to the login screen after you sign in, simply reload the page. It should then be signed in.
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I’m having the same problem on my Mac and my iPhone, both running the latest production releases of macos and iOS, so it doesn’t look like a beta bug. Good news is that your tip about reloading the page works. Do you know if it’s a Discourse bug?
Yes, it is a discourse bug, or at least an interaction problem between discourse and safari. We have seen it reported in the discourse issues.
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