Visual & priorities (colors)

One of the great feature of Agenda is the possibility to drag and drop a notes from a project to an other. What is a little frustrating for me is the impossibility to manage priorities with colors. In my opinion, an improvement could be made by allowing different colors in a categoryAgenda colors

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Thanks for the feedback! We’ll keep it in mind.

It is with a little pang of heart that I notice that I am the only one with the idea, or the need, to be able in the blink of an eye, by different colors, to define my priorities by projet. I didn’t think at the time to mention that it could help to sort the priorities of several projects by color selection in the overview.
Assuming that I had 15 different projects with each its priorities that I could select when I arrived at the office “what’s urgent first”, it would help me to be more efficient.
Although this agenda is frankly interesting, it’s the only obstacle, for me, to use it to manage my workflow. So I developed my own way of “seeing at a glance” (when I start my computeur) what’s urgent and what’s less. Therefor, I don’t use Agenda.
So it’s with regret that I will uninstall it and give up the extended version, something I will reconsider when (and if) it will be possible to use different colors in each project in the overview.

You can use emoji prefixes to visually indicate priority:


and although “Search all” doesn’t find them:

“Open quickly” does:


And on Mac, you can build up a temporary overview by command-clicking all the projects with the emoji prefix you want. Hopefully Agenda will support emoji in the Search All at some point, and then we can save the overviews!

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Thank you for your answer.

I installed the native Emoji on my Mac, but it only contains 2 useful colours (for my need) and I didn’t find a way to ad and change them like I would want

So I then tried to find an app that would permit me to do so, with no success finding a practical and non-time consuming one (like the native one). Even though I paid for some apps, all of them are not though for efficiency, but for some fun, thus adding unnecessary steps with no time gain at all.

But this little exercise gave me a new idea that the team could evaluate to give more power to organise priorities : give colours personalised settings for automatic changes.

For example, lets say that there is a task with a dead line in 2 month and an other one in 6 month. For the first one, the colour could be (chosen by the user) white up to (chosen by the user) 10 days before the dead line, then automatically turn green, then turn orange 2 days before the dead line, then red the day of the dead line. For the second one, it could be set differently.

This would permit to focus at the opening of the app on what’s urgent and what’s less by setting a personalised colour / priorities protocol.

I don’t know if other users could find this function interesting, but for now, I organised myself such in a way that I see “right away” what is my list of tasks with their priorities. I do it on Diagram Weaver and export a png that show a wallpaper at the launch of my Mac.