What I did: Using Pencil 2 on iPad Pro latest IOS version. Writing with pencil on Agenda is quite important for me and i’m wrinting in German. For sure i use the correct grammar with small an large letters but Agenda set all only to smal letters. This is really terrible because i have to excance those notes, planes, etc with my clients. And they should niot believe a do not able to write German. Sorry, but i could’nt find any other topic in the community categories.
What happened: All leters will be set allways to small letters. For sure I checked my settings but i could not found any setuo item to influence the error / feature wether in Agenda nor in IPadOS. IU also changed the way i’m writing (more clear, etc) did not helped
What I expected: Letters must be in the type I wrote it
Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc): Latest agenda version, IPadOS 17.1.1, iPad Pro max screen
Unfortunately, this aspect is largely under the control of Apple. We play no part in interpreting what you write. Agenda just gets passed the text, as if you had typed it in.
More info: Enter text with Scribble on iPad - Apple Support (MY)
This post has some suggestions for getting capital letters:
Thank you !
These support items from Apple is known by me.
Reason to contact you was that in other apps scripple with the pencil works very well. The problem is only with Agenda
Hmm, odd. So is this always, or are there certain situations where you can’t get a capital letter. Eg. If you start a new sentence, does it work? What about a new list item? What about in the middle of a sentence?
Thank you for the time to answer my problem.
yes. This is always the case. It is in the complete sentence and not only at the beginning of a sentence. It works correctly after a dod means at the beginning of a sentence. In German you have to write some words with large capitals doesn’t matter the place in the sentence. And this is the problem. For sure I use the correct grammar rules to write a word with a capital letter or not in the middle of a sentence but the tool changes this to a small letter.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Hans M. Schleidt
And just to be completely clear, you are saying that if you do the same in Apple Notes, it works? Ie you can put capital letters in the middle of sentences?
In all Apple related tools like Notes or Reminder, etc and also for example in Goodnotes the capital letters will work. If I’m use capital letters this will set as written
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Hans M. Schleidt
Weikertsblochstr. 39
63069 Offenbach / Main
+49 173 6794298
OK, we’ll see if we can see what is going on. Appreciate the feedback!