Using NotePlan with Agenda


I just got introduced to NotePlan (literally two days ago) and currently exploring the features to see if it’s a tool I’ll like to continue long term. Although I see some overlap with Agenda, I like the use of markdown with the note type editor for reminders/tasks management within NotePlan. I don’t see myself taking meeting notes within NotePlan as I’ll use Agenda for that functionality.

I am curious to learn if anyone else is coming from Fantastical, 2Do, Apple Notes, and Bear and trying to incorporate Agenda and NotePlan into their current workflow. I’ve basically incorporated Agenda with the major blocker being the iPad app (but I know this should be solved soon).

Any feedback and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Walter …


Hi Walter,

I haven’t used Agenda much in combination with the apps you mention myself, best for others to chime in. I did want to mention some pointers that you might find helpful:

  • While it’s not a markdown based system, Agenda does support markdown for entering and formatting text, lists, etc. see here

  • Likewise as part of the premium features you can export and copy notes as markdown as well.

  • Here’s a topic that talks about 3rd party integration, and this one is about syncing between Agenda and other apps, for example by making use of sharing extensions

Hope that helps!


These links are awesome - appreciate you taking the time to include them in your response.

Turns out I will not be using NotePlan. It’s not feature rich enough to replace any one particular tool and the value add for the notes portion doesn’t make sense given that I’m found/using Agenda. :blush:

Using NotePlan reminds me of the following phrase: “Jack of all trades, master of none” :thinking:


I’m coming from 2Do, & wondering if I can get that & Agenda to work together in iOS

I’m currently using both NotePlan & Agenda. I do something similar: I use Agenda for all my meetings and basic notes.
However, I use NotePlan as a “Bullet Journal” where I create links from the daily tasks into the notes. For example:

  1. I have a monthly log note, weekly log note, and index links which i ‘copy & paste’ into each day log so i have quick access into daily notes and mitigate tasks i dont complete to the next day.
  2. I also link notes like bdays or names i learn and have a hard time remembering
    I agree that its not a great primary note taking platform. I think Agenda is much better for that. Even though its not a primary “markdown” platform its support for MD is still great as I personally prefer to use it. I also like that I can link into the calendar.
    For me, both make my macbook my driver to stay on target, and its nice i can see both on my iphone.
    Agenda > Noteplan

Does it make sense to use agenda and note plan together? I just downloaded noteplan and test the app

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This is a nice combination. Although I use Agenda and Omnifocus. But this could be an alternative. Others use Agenda and Things 3.

I don’t see any problem with it. Just that Agenda and Noteplan has lots of similarities especially with the calendar features. So I tend to use other Task Management apps. I use omnifocus, others Things. Or maybe, Reminders.

I just saw NotePlan on SetApp. It’s features look similar to Agenda. I’m curious if anyone has any updates on their dis/likes and usage of NotePlan and/or Agenda?

*** UPDATE ***

Well that was quick! I just uninstalled NotePlan! It doesn’t (that I can see) have the ability to add notes PER calendar item. It’s just a general note app like DayOne…

Can’t you just use Agenda. I’m using Agenda as a Bullet Journal with a Today Project (not the built in one) and a Future Log Project to contain entries further into the future.

I have OmniFocus but I don’t need it with my Agenda setup.

Being able to link notes to meetings and to Projects at the same time is a killer feature.

The only “advantage” that i saw to NotePlan was the ability to index and search the notes using Spotlight or DEVONthink on the Mac.

Not being able to access ( search and index ) Agenda notes outside of Agenda ( yes i know i can link and export ) is the only barrier to my workflow.

I want to have my notes be platform independent.


I’m using both NotePlan 3 and Agenda. Agenda’s System of having notes assigned to a certain date is really what got me to use it. But you can’t browse through days. Yes, you can search but that is a little too cumbersome.

In NotePlan you can browse through dates like in a dairy and I hope it supports multiple notes per day in the future.
But one of the best features is filtering for open and completed tasks and that it automatically adds the date of completion upon completing (checking) a task.

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I’m curious to learn more about how you’re using NotePlan 3 and Agenda together?

I downloaded NotePlan 3 to give it a whirl. I like the idea of one note for the entire day but I’m torn.

I finally (after a few weeks) figured out a workflow between Agenda and Things — so curious if there are alternate workflows I haven’t considered to improve my productivity?

I have been using NotePlan3 as basically a daily replacement for my work journal and OneNote. I find it absolutely essential to my daily work routine. You can have unlimited notes tied just to a date, or you can create projects within the system and attach notes there (with links, images, media, etc). Interlinking in NotePlan3 is nothing short of fabulous. I track all my work by incident ( we used JIRA at our company) and I can traceback any internal notes without having to clutter up JIRA. It integrates to MS Exchange/O365 also so that I see my corporate calendar events and get alerted for anything.

I don’t know where you get the idea of “one note for the entire day” as this is not the case at all and is intuitively obvious if you use the application for even a weekend. I worked with the developer on several of the features in NotePlan2 and as they were brought forward in NotePlan3.

I did the trial for a week, and never saw how to create more than one note per day. As far as I can tell, it has one note per day, and then you can assign individual lines from notes that show up in the “references” section above the daily note. Is that what you mean?

From what I can see, there’s no way to click a date and see all of the notes’ contents assigned to that date. You see the one daily note, and then a sort of index of lines that have been assigned do that date (because there’s only one note per day). I also don’t see a way to select a range of dates, and display all of the notes assigned to each of those dates. And no attaching notes to individual events.

There’s also this when you first launch the application, which clearly states that it’s one note per day. So I would say that it’s not intuitively obvious that you can assign multiple notes to a day (which I still don’t know how to do, unless it is in fact assigning multiple lines from notes to a day).



I’m like Carlos but I use Craft for the areas he uses NotePlan for.

I tried NotePlan before Agenda actually but the Bullet Journal methodology doesn’t mesh well with the way I think.