Using Agenda for my Podcast

I am using Agenda to create documents for my podcast. I am writing show notes after recording then tie it to a date. All is done as a project named after the episode title. Sad to see that it doesn’t look like the spell checker works in Agenda and graphic / photos can’t be added. I switched over to Agenda from Byword. I will give Agenda a run for a month. However, I do wish Agenda projects could be shared in real-time with my Podcast Assistant. Anyway, it looks like Agenda’s way of tackling calendars, notes and notes may be the way to go for workflow collaborations.

Image support is our next big feature. Stay tuned!

Spell checking should work, but you may need to turn it on:

  1. Put the cursor in a note
  2. Go to Edit > Spelling and Grammar to turn it on

Yay!! Images will be a big help to me, too :+1::blush: