Toggle Support

I love using Agenda,

A feature I loved to see is integration with togglTime, allowing for creating and tracking time entries directly based on projects and tasks/notes.

Keep on the good work!

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Thanks for the feedback. If togglTime can create links/URLs on the pasteboard, or by dragging, you can put those in Agenda.

Hi drewmccormack,
I guess you misunderstood my request. ToggleTime is an app for logging time entries. It also allows for assigning customers and projects, as well as tasks for a time entry. Asana, for example, integrates with it to allow start/creating and stopping time entries directly for an asana task. Such an integration would be quite useful in Agenda. It could also go as far as saving categories as “customers” and projects as projects in the task.

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I’d like to second this (11-month old) request :slightly_smiling_face:

Toggl have an API and they encourage integration. Just need to find someone who understands such things…

Toggl is a great time tracking tool (I use it exclusively in Trello), so being able to put “work” into Agenda and record time spent on that work would be super useful when it comes to reporting at then end of the week/month/project.

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