ToDo vs Checkbox

Is there any chance of adding a checkbox option (a square box instead of a round one) in addition to a regular To-Do? I often have notes with lists I want to check off, but they aren’t really To-Dos, such as reading lists or lists of items I need to tick off. I know that I could create a table for that, but it would be much more convenient to have a different type of box for this that doesn’t appear in the list of To-Dos.

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I think having two types of boxes would be confusing.

If I were you, I would just ignore the To Do overview. If you do want to track To Dos, introduce a tag into the notes with to-dos, search for that tag as well as todo items, and turn it into your own overview (eg My ToDos). You can then use the tag to mark the notes that have to-dos instead of standard check list items.

Using a dashed list and strike through for your non-to-dos is another option.

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Thank you for the suggestions. What I mean is something similar to how Evernote has solved it. You can use checkboxes that look distinctly different from to-dos, even in a row if you want. These can then be checked off. As mentioned, it’s not really a task that needs to be completed, but rather intended for various things you want to track. Very helpful. It’s just an idea!

But look what happened to Evernote! Similar to a tag you could dedicate an emoji to where the checkbox would be and delete it when done. I believe the horizontal layout would create a serious formatting hurdle.

This is so minor and I don’t expect a change, but the one visual design I don’t like in Agenda is the “to do” is a giant circle. I would love a small / medium size squircle but I know this is tediously silly ask.

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