On iOS I jumped to a past date in the today view a while back (which used to be easy):
With the new search (which, don’t get me wrong, is otherwise very good) I can’t figure out how to do that anymore.
Is there a way to get back to today (other than by going there day by day via the arrows on top)?
Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):
iOS 17, latest Agenda version
On the Mac, you can tap the little dot that appears at the top. On iOS, as far as I know, you do have to use the arrows to move back.
How did you get back to 2022? Or did you change it in 2022 and it stayed on that date?
I see. Bummer. But thanks, at least I can stop trying to find another way.
I went back to 2022 there a while ago, before you guys implemented the new search—and then had not used Agenda that much for a while.
PS: Back at Today now—“RSIed” there quicker then expected.