Today view empty despite note linked to today‘s event

What I did:
Call up today view

What happened:

What I expected:
Seeing all notes linked to today’s events

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):
iOS 13.2.3 iPhone XS
Have screen recording if needed

Is this a one off issue? If you kill the app (swipe off top of the apps screens), and launch again, does it still not work?

Do you actually have some notes with today’s date?

Happens after force quit too. Yes, I have a note linked to an event lasting from 10am today until 1pm tomorrow.

I believe this is a known issue that happens only if the linked event has a different timezone set than the one your computer is in, we plan to fix this in an update soon.

Both are in the same timezone.

Today the note does show up. The event started yesterday and ends today.

The fact that now it shows up suggests that it’s the issue I mentioned, we’re on it.