Today Shows Edited

I love having the Today in the left sidebar to have Quick Look’s at my created notes for the day.

What would be super cool, is if we could have a preference setting to also allow Edited Notes, of the day of course, show in Today as well being they were altered on well… Today :slightly_smiling_face:

This should become possible in Agenda v19


Awesome! Thanks for the update and super looking forward for this feature :call_me_hand:t2:

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Huge and thanks for the v19.0 update!
Wanted to follow up on this behavior, was it introduced in the newest update?

You can make a smart overview based on the edited date in Agenda 19 indeed

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Is there any release notes / guides on agenda 19? Updated it but don’t know what’s the new things. And how to use the new search. Might want to pay for premium this round. If the new features are worth it.

We have a video and instructions coming in the next few hours. Sorry for the delay on this.


The release notes are here Release Notes - #65 by mekentosj, as Drew’s mentions, the video will be available later today.

Absolutely worth every dollar to support Agenda! Recently discovered the app myself on the hunt for some more robust than simple Apple iOS Notes.

Agenda is developed with passion and precision! The simple and powerful attention to detail that’s cooked into Agenda is game changer for my use!

Not an affiliate, not some sale pitch (yet kinda is)… just a real user with my real opinion :call_me_hand:t2:


Thank you so much for your kind words!!

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