Thank you! and a few ideas for improvement

Hi all!

I really, really love this app and hope you can develop it sustainably for a long time!

Coming from Notion I could suggest adding the following:

  • An aside highlight for text blocks
  • Toggle headings
  • Images in slideshow or grid layout
  • Clearer overview of development roadmap (the post in the forum seems to be a bit dated with almost all features implemented by now)
  • On Mac: a way to select a date several years ago without having to click through every year month by month…

Happy New Year!

Thanks for the feedback!

Can you explain this? We do have a text highlights, and text blocks.

Do you mean collapsible sections? This is something high on our radar.

It’s true the post is a bit outdated. We do generally reveal a lot in general discussions in the community. For example, Agenda 19 will be about improved search, and Agenda 20 will build on that.

Of course, we don’t want to go into too much detail, because software development can be unpredictable, and we don’t want people to get too disappointed because we can’t deliver something we thought we could. We actually give away a lot more than most developers. Most I know have a strict no-reveal policy.

I thought there was a way to do that. You a just start typing a date.

(Perhaps @mekentosj can say more. He works on this aspect.)


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Hi Drew, Mekentosj

On Notion, there is an <aside> option which creates a highlighted section of text (“callout”). See example. Very useful to emphasize important pieces of text. In Agenda I can only see preformatted text, code and quote.

Yes, I mean collapsible headings. Great to hear you’re interested in this! It’s extremely useful.

Development map: point taken. In any case, I think all the essential features are covered, and I love the minimalistic design philosophy you’re taking.

Selecting years: oh right, the date can indeed be typed when selecting „date and date range“ from the down-arrow menu. Or directly, which is even better.

Another minor suggestion: automatically remove unused tags.

If you put a donate button somewhere, people like me who take the one-off payment could keep supporting the project!

Best Wishes

Indeed, in fact there’s no need to select anything, on the Mac at least, simply start typing with the popover visible and it will automatically activate the search field. Another power feature is that holding the alt/option key while clicking the arrow buttons will make it jump per year instead of month.

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