Table width

I checked the community message on setting custom table (column) width or at least use full note width for a table but I did not find any answers. I saw the first report dating from 2021.

So my question/urge is : now when I create a 2x2 table I have cell at the size of a post stamp will les than 50% of note width is used. Is there any possiblity to modify the table properties to make the tables capability usefull? Because when I fill a cell with text, I now must scrol down the not to have an overview of an average (in my case of course) table while having the ability to change the table with I do have it in one overview… pretty smart in a meeting I would say.

So please relief me from my hassle… advise me how to do this :slight_smile:

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The tables are quite limited, and intended only for small amounts of data. They have to work on big screens and small, which explains the relatively small cell width.

We would like to improve this in future. It’s a challenge though, because a fixed width on macOS may work fine, but may work terribly on iOS. We need to find some compromise. It’s in our roadmap, but we have been working on other projects.

Sorry for the delay. We will see what we can do.

There are some really good apps out there in many different categories that have the occasional feature which will only work on a Mac, or work differently on iOS, or with different output. Compromising a feature to the standard of the lesser capable machine is JUST WRONG.

I agree. And there are well established methods to approach this. For example, preferred properties as used in Java, or approach such as done in HTML and … (La)Tex. Note that we do not need a tool for making a layout, we need tools to make notes. Otherwise I would use Papers or MS-Word. And a easy option is par example to specify to use page width with percentage per column.

To my opinion tables are not useful note object. Sorry.

Completely disagree. It is absolutely essential that a note taking app, designed for quick entry, does take account of the variety of ways it will be used. If it didn’t, we would all just take notes in a WYSIWYG editor like MSWord. But doing that is a nightmare on a small screen, and nobody does it.

All note taking apps compromise in some way. The tables in Apple Notes are also limited for this reason. If you need very powerful tables, you are best to use a dedicated app like Numbers, and attach the document.

We have ideas about how we can compromise to give an experience that is generally good on all screen sizes. It’s a big project, and in the roadmap.

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I think you are missing the point. HTML and LATEX for example are platform independent. They adapt to the properties of the platform.

MS Word in stead is not in the picture anyway, that was my point.

And your argument is that note taking should not take into account the platform properties like MacOS or iOS, it actually does by taken an approach for the smallest common divider.

I do follow your Roadmap remark but that means that you prioritise this at a lower value than maybe some users.

Anyway, point is clear and to end this thread let us close with the famous words: let us agree that we disagree :grinning:

No hard feelings, let us wait for future updates of the great Agenda App.


Just want to point out that it is not a technical problem. Of course, we can make any layout or behavior we like with the programming tools we have.

The issue is a design one. The app has to be easy to use. That’s what a note taking app’s primary purpose is over a word processor. If you have to pinch to zoom, or scroll a table sideways, IMO you have already lost the battle.

And most note taking apps make the same compromise. Ease over power. Take a look in Apple Notes or Bear. The tables are pretty basic.

The slogan is “think different”. In this case be different and better than other note taking apps with ease in mind. You are capable to surprise us.

BTW: on the splash page of, it look like tables do exactly as requested. But, I do not use the app because I like Agenda.


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