Synchronisation in v14

I wonder whether there is an issue concerning synchronization between devices? Before updating to v14, all these services worked quite fine. All other sync using iCloud continue to work - unfortunately Agenda not… Any idea?

What happened:

What I expected:

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc): iMac, iBook Pro, Intel, latest OS; iPhone 7, latest OS

After updating to Agenda 14 it needs to sync a lot of data (as it involves a big migration step), as the result sync can take a while to catch up. I would recommend leaving Agenda running on your devices (see if you can prevent it from going to sleep) and once the sync indicator stops it should have caught up.

Dear Alexander, thanks for replying. Obviously, your advice is correct. Preventing the machine in the office (where mainly the information is coming from) from going to sleep helped finally synchronizing the other clients. Problem is solved. Best regards, Dirk

Glad to hear Dirk! Enjoy Agenda!

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