Sync of calendars only available on one device

My iOS devices uses activesync to sync a work calendar. MacOS is not able to sync via activesync so those calendars only live on m iOS device.

How would Agenda handle this difference? Would the MacOS version of Agenda only show calendars available on that device? Or would the synchronization via text carry over the calendar items from the iOS version of Agenda?

Figured I’d throw out this use case monkey wrench to think on pre-launch.

This situation would be handled gracefully and shouldn’t lead to any problems.

Would the MacOS version of Agenda only show calendars available on that device?

Correct. Each device only shows the calendar events that are accessible on that device. However, if you have linked an event on your iOS device while that event isn’t accessible on your Mac it shouldn’t give problems either. Agenda will still have access to the details of that event (which sync over independently of the calendar) so that it will show the correct date and time next to the note title. What it won’t do is show the event in the list of events in the inspector, nor can you (obviously) open the event in your Calendar app.