Switch apple ID without losing the data?

What I did:
I installed a fresh copy of Agenda app in a new brand macbook pro. For this macbook pro I used a different apple ID (different than my personal apple ID, lets call it work id). And I created a new agenda account. Because I want to segregate personal data from my work notes.

What happened:
Everything seems to work ok. But then there was a new version of Agenda. But I can’t update because the apple store app said it was installed with my personal id. And ask for my personal password, but I don’t even want to use my password in this machine.

What I expected:
I expected that the usual update process execute as normal, but then a dialog from the apple store appears asking me for the password of my personal apple id. But this Mac is not even connected to my personal apple id in any way. I installed other software from the apple store with this “work” apple id and all those software update as normal. I don’t understand how is that this installation was connected in any way with my personal account. If I edit the proposed email and try to connect with my work id, the message said that the software was installed with my personal id. Both, apple store and agenda account are using my work id, so I don’t understand even how is that my personal apple Id appears.

So now, what I trying to do is to remove agenda, and reinstall ensuring I am connected to apple store using the work apple id. But I wonder if there is some way to keep the data.

Updating of the app is related to the Apple ID you used to install originally. It has no relation to your Agenda Account, or the iCloud account you use for syncing.

The simplest thing to do here is simply move Agenda to the trash, empty trash, and then install it from the App Store. It is a free app, so it is no problem to have installed it from your personal and work accounts.

If you paid for a license, that should get registered with our license server. As long as you use the same Agenda Account on each device, it should unlock. You should use an email + password for the Agenda Account, because “Sign in with Apple” is connected to the Apple account you are using on the device.

Hope that helps!

It works!

Thank you, very much!

Glad that worked!

2 posts were split to a new topic: Change email on Sign in with Apple