Swipeable sidebars on MacOS

Currently when I want to hide the sidebars on my Mac, I first put my cursor directly over the sidebar I want to hide and swipe on the top of my mouse.

I then remember that swiping does not work in that area. I then move the cursor over the main area of the Agenda window, and swipe there. Hiding the first sidebar is generally fine, but very often when trying to hide the other sidebar I end up showing the first sidebar again instead (even when my cursor is all the way on the other “side” of the window). Hiding the two sidebars often requires a bit of a dance where both sidebars show and hide alternatively until I reach the desired configuration. I often end up just clicking the divider in frustration.

This is not optimal :slight_smile: It would be a lot easier for the user if sidebars could be hidden by swiping on them directly.

OK, thanks for the follow up, we’ll take a look if this can be improved.

Is it possible to disable the sidebar swipte gestures on Agenda for Mac. As noted above, the current behaviour can be very tricky to use as intended and more often than not it does the opposite to what I hope (or doesn’t seem to work at all). It just seems ‘glitchy’ and very unsatisfying. Given this, I’d rather have the option to switch it off completely - is this possible? I find I sometimes accidentally trigger it when trying to swipe to show my Mac’s notification bar which can get very annoying.


Hi Stu, at the moment it’s not possible to switch it off, we’ll think about a possible solution

Hi @mekentosj - have you found a solution for this yet? It is driving me crazy!!! Whenever a MacOS notification appears, I swipe it away and suddenly the calendar bar appears in Agenda. Please, let me just switch off any swipe features…pretty please???

Nothing yet I’m afraid, it’s on our list to look at but can’t promise when we get to it or whether we’ll change the behaviour.