Subscription option directly with Agenda

I would suggest Agenda to offer a direct subscription instead of going through apple App Store. One thing it is more expensive through app store and secondly apple customer service is gone down and they are not refunding the customers if they mistakenly renewed the subscription.
I would prefer to pay directly to the developer and lot of companies like Netflix, Youtube , spotify etc are already doing it


Unfortunately we are much, much smaller than those other companies you mention. It was a lot of work even to get subscriptions working with Apple, and would be as much with another service.

We take on board your request, but we would rather spend time on new features at this point than changing services, which is a lot of work, and doesn’t change very much.


I would like to subscribe but whem i visit the apple store the message i get dont really match with what your website describesas subcription because it says it is an automaticaaly renewing subscription. Please clarify. Thank you

Yes, currently we have an automatically renewing subscription. This works better with family sharing etc.

Our sales model is the same though: whatever you unlock, you keep forever. That is different to most subscriptions.

If you don’t like subscriptions, you can either use the lifetime purchase, though that is more expensive, or you can get the subscription and cancel it immediately after the free trial. That way, it will stop at the end of the year, and you still get all the premium features permanently unlocked just as before.

Can you tell me where you saw the messaging about the old non-renewing setup? It would be good to get rid of that to avoid confusion.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Mac is not unlocking