Hi gents,
Any chance you will be adding styled URL support?
Just like in Notes, an ability to represent a link as a thumbnail with an image such as this:
Hi gents,
Any chance you will be adding styled URL support?
Just like in Notes, an ability to represent a link as a thumbnail with an image such as this:
+1, but preferably with an option to switch to regular inline link if needed. (Similar to the current image setup)
Thanks, we’ll consider it. Note that if we do it we prefer to make it opt-in rather than opt-out.
Sorry, opt-in?
We’d more likely to make it something you can enable to a rich preview than something you can switch back to a regular link. The exception would be when using the sharing extension to share a URL, probably makes sense to use the preview in this case.
Has there been any development on the rich preview link front? I’m a new user and this is something I’m already missing.
Not yet, something we’d indeed like to make possible at some point.
You guys are talking about a mouse-over link preview, right. If so they can also be used to display text, such as a short note, definition, paragraph that contains a link to the rest of the article or whatever. Sort of homemade css styling.
Can I ask for rich link previews to be seriously looked at. I’d like to be able to add map locations from Apple Maps and YouTube links so they appear like they do in Apple Notes. Text hyper links, whilst functional, are not aesthetically pleasing nor are they what users expect in an otherwise gorgeous UI in 2023. The rich previews help draw attention to a particular link and make it more inviting for a reader.
Yes, still definitely something we’d like to support and have put some foundational pieces in place for, but no ETA yet I’m afraid, still a few updates away for now.