Source code view

Hello !
I use Agenda to take note and manage all tasks I have to do during my Software engineer’s day.
I think add a view for source code in notes to improve productivity about taking note would be a good idea.
Here a little example :


I agree! I love agenda, but that is one drawback. I would love a way to add more distinct code snippets. E.g. Slack uses `<text>` for inline code format and makes the snippet pink, and ```<multi-line-text>``` to make a multi-line preformatted snippet. I think something similar would be very useful in Agenda.

I also think a feature like this would be useful as well. However, I’m light on the details of how I would like to use this feature. Although this might a bit difficult to implement or be superfluous, Allowing for some syntax highlighting and formatting/ editing features for the most popular or common programming languages. C/C++ etc. would be a nice addition. (you could make it user customizable as well too).

We hope to be able to support syntax highlighting etc at some point but in the mean time don’t forget there’s already the preformatted paragraph style that can be used for code.