Sorting notes

I see that you plan to introduce manual sorting of projects within a category. I really want the ability to sort notes within a project alphabetically (I know you can drag them into place - but that is tedious especially when the target point is out of range in the visible pane


We do indeed like to offer more sort options, this could include alphabetically.


I think Agenda has a huge amount going for it, but the ability to sort notes alphabetically would be a really big improvement for me.

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Any progress on this? Iā€™m just creating ā€˜projectā€™ where every note is a single person. So alphabetical sorting would be really helpful as the number of notes grows.

No ETA yet Iā€™m afraid

I know you said no ETA - but if possibleā€¦do you think it could happen in the next 12 months? :sweat_smile: This is a feature Iā€™ve been waiting to be implemented before going premium for a while now.

No promises alas, not very likely to arrive in the first half of 2020 at least, we have other things to ship with a higher priority first.

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+1 for Note Sorting, on a per-project basis, either by right clicking the project or with a sort button at the top of the list

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Update: I just discovered that tapping on Project name allows note sorting by note date. This is awesome! It satisfies my use case, but I can see the utility of alphabetical sorting by note name, so Iā€™m leaving this vote for additions to note sorting.

+1 For note sorting within projects.

Options would ideally include:

  1. Alphabetical
  2. Chronological / Reverse Chronological (DONE! - AWESOME)

Iā€™m experimenting with journal-based note taking and activity management using Agenda. The ability to sort notes chronologically within a project would allow a project to be used as a journal and notes as the journal entries.


I arrived here looking for sorting notes by note name. Itā€™d be really useful to be able to do this kind of sorting.


Agreed to sort alphabetically.

Reason is when you have a long list of note, and you are trying to search for a specific note, by having alphabetical sorting, you can find them easily.

I seldom use ā€œsearchā€ feature because I rather to search my note from a list of content.

Therefore, I strongly agree to add-in ā€œsorted by alphabeticā€ feature.

Thanks foe your attention, Agenda

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At the moment there are 2 sort options, only on dates.
Beside on dates, I would like a ā€œno sortā€ option.

There always has to be some sort of sort option, if only to prevent things from jumping around. If not on date, what would you like it to sort on?

As I mentioned: a no-sort option within a project.
Sometimes to work on a dated note you would like to have the note in a certain place to have a better overview, but dated notes you have to assign another date, even if you donā€™t want to change the deadline date.

You mean manual ordering if I understand correctly, problem is that you do expect new notes to go in a logical place, so I guess at the top or bottom in that case?

Thatā€™s the most logical place, so from there you can place the note in the project on the place you want.
There it should stay unless you change the sorting order to dates.

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Please count this as another vote to add a feature to keep notes in a project sorted alphabetically, just like is already done by time.

This is something weā€™re indeed working on and should make it in one of the next major updates we hope.