Is it possible to sort all notes “On the Agenda” by date, rather than by Project first, and then by date? This seems like it could be useful as there isn’t an easy way to navigate between Project sections within the “On the Agenda” overview page. It would be nice to see everything I plan to do today (like the Today overview page), followed by everything I plan to do tomorrow/in the immediate future, without scrolling to each individual project section.
I second this feature.
This has been indeed a popular request, it’s on our todo list for a future update (first the iOS version and inline images though).
I would still like to see this feature. I want all my notes on one page chronologically.
As said, we have ideas in this direction, however the biggest challenge is how to order notes that don’t have an assigned date, where would we sort these? Ideally they would be close to the position they have in their project and not just all go to the end or top. I think it can be done but there might be some ambiguities or non-trivial issues to solve there.
I think the default sorting is a bit odd, if in a project something is associated with the current date, it will be at the bottom (not at the top which would be more intuitive). Also the bullet points are (on purpose?) somehow inverse, if you mark something as “done”, the bulled points are un-filled which is contrary what one would expect (done=filled/checked bullet points)
Does a note have an embedded time that it was created, rather than an assigned date? Would it be possible to create a sort by (a) date created; and (b) date assigned? I don’t know if it works this way by default, but why not have each note, by default, automatically assign today’s date, and it would only change if the user altered the assigned date? That would make some sense.
Thoughts? Apprecaited. WSS>
The default sorting is that the most current date is at the top, i.e. Tomorrow, Today, Yesterday.
Also the bullet points are (on purpose?) somehow inverse, if you mark something as “done”, the bulled points are un-filled which is contrary what one would expect (done=filled/checked bullet points)
Are you referring to the on the Agenda dot next to the title? Filled is on the agenda, unfilled is not on the agenda.
Yes, we record the creation date but it is not accessible/viewable at this point. We are planning to add more sort options, which would also include created at ideally.
I don’t know if it works this way by default, but why not have each note, by default, automatically assign today’s date, and it would only change if the user altered the assigned date? That would make some sense.
You can do this already by checking the corresponding option in the Agenda preferences.
This is not true for me. The most current date is at the bottom of the list. The one with is most in the future is on the top.
Yes, I know that filled is on agenda/unfilled not. However, this is counterintuitive because filled.
What people usually do:
☒ ← this marks stuff done
☐ ← this marks stuff not done
but for agenda, filled is marked stuff that is “on the agenda” and not done.
This is not true for me. The most current date is at the bottom of the list. The one with is most in the future is on the top.
Yes, as I said, Tomorrow comes before today, comes before yesterday.
You are right, currently it works like you described in your example. But for me its not the “definition of the most-current date” which is: today is on the top and the most-current date. For me it’s feeling like that is not the best solution but I can get used to scrolling down to the buttom to see whats on the agenda now.
Problem with that is that you get two different sort orders within the same project, split at “now”.
Today -> Tomorrow -> Next Tuesday -> Yesterday -> Day before
It would be very weird and kind of arbitrary if suddenly the date order flips (i.e. From Next Tuesday to Yesterday). Funny enough the very first version of Agenda that we sent to alpha testers did exactly this, and it was a disaster, nobody got it.
What is possible btw is just to flip the sort order by clicking the title of the project in the middle pane, that would give you:
Day before Yesterday, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Next Tuesday
Ok, thanks. I will check that out.
And yes I would indeed prefer that order:
Today -> Tomorrow -> Next Tuesday -> “some row or header saying ‘old agendas’”-> Yesterday -> Day before
Yup, but as said, we had that in alpha 1 and people didn’t get it.