Someday support LaTeX?

Since Agenda 14 released (Super love the tag/mention system!), I am now back from Craft, Logseq and tons of other note-taking app.
As engineering student, I would love to see LaTeX support in Agenda, my question is, is it possible in someday Agenda (15, 16, 17?) will support LaTeX?
Thanks for your continuing effort on making this App!

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Perhaps. We have added some new things under the covers in Agenda 14 to allow us much more easily to add “widgets” in the text. An embedded latex view may be an option. I can’t promise when though.

If you have an app that does latex well, you could consider embedding the latex in Agenda as an attachment. Agenda 14 does allow you to edit attachments now, so you could keep a technical attachment in your notes, view and edit as needed.

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