Sneak peek: Remind Me Again Why I Love Agenda

Not to take anything away from 2do, but I have to take my hat off to what GoodTask has accomplished with the Reminders backend. Pair that up with Agenda and you could have an amazing combination!

Indeed, it seems Reminders is going to get some love at WWDC, but I expect this to be purely cosmetic, perhaps with a few new features. It is highly unlikely they will change anything about how the data is stored in synced, which is all based around the calendar store, and is a published API which other developers are encouraged to use. In agenda, we are only using the supported approach — there are no hacks which could easily break.


Sure would be nice to see you two guys on a stage together somewhere in a sunny California location…say on June 3rd…demoing the NEW Reminder feature to Agenda. Just thinking out loud!


Alas, no invite from Tim yet… :smile:

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But then you have to release as a beta just now :wink:

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Beta for Mac is ready to go, we’re wrapping up the iOS one as we speak, almost there…


We can’t wait…:blush:

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Countdown over - still no beta :slight_smile:

That wasn’t my countdown :smiley:

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Anything interesting you have your eyes on in the new Reminders apps? :grin:

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Subtasks are in new Reminders app. But installed iPadOS on my iPad Pro, it asks you to upgrade Reminders database, which I had to skip for now (which is option) since I don’t have betas installed on all my devices.
I know Goodtask looks broken right now. Agenda seems to be working but new Reminders app may affect the Reminders feature with this whole upgrade database thing, and the button still shows after you skip upgrade to remind you to upgrade later.


I suppose the real question is whether the reminders API has changed - and it looks like EventKit has been changed, though it mostly looks like deprecations to me, but I’m not familiar with the interface.

Thanks for the warning. Are you a developer and is that how you were able to upgrade to iOS13? I usually wait for at least the 2nd or 3rd Public release before I jump in the pool.

Our tests suggest everything is intact, so full steam ahead.



Looking forward.


Super excited for this feature!


waiting for it to be pushed


When will the Reminders integration be in the TestFlight?

Providing it passes Apple’s review without the need for further changes, we hope on Tuesday or Wednesday.