Sneak peek: Remind Me Again Why I Love Agenda

Grab your pitchforks, we’re going after Viticci!

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Congratulations guys, this seems like the most pragmatic development approach I have seen in iOS development. Too often everything is rebuilt from scratch rather than reusing the frameworks already available and, for me, that makes them unsticky and eventually unused.


Many thanks for the encouragement, glad you like what’s coming!

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This for me (Reminders) option will put Agenda on same level as 1Password & MoneyWiz as a most useful and productive app and real value for money


Interested in IOS and Mac beta

Interested in IOS and Mac beta

See this topic to join the macOS betas. To join the iOS testflight program please leave a post in this topic. Thank you so much your excitement and willingness to help test the next Agenda update.

This looks just brilliant - can’t wait.

Now if we could just get Spark to integrate fully to share links back and forth to email easily my whole productivity world could live in here!


That looks like a real promising improvement.
Will there be options for other Task apps such as Things3??


I’m afraid we are just integrating with the built in system Reminders, which is available to every app. Any app using that will effectively also be integrated directly with Agenda, but I am not sure if there are non-Apple apps doing that.

So there won’t be direct integration with Things at this point, but perhaps it is something we can consider down the road.


Well done guys! Super excited about this! And thanks for sharing the sneak peak video. Really well made! “\remind(soon)” – brilliant! :grin:

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Apps like Things and OmniFocus should be able to pull from Reminders, which is how I’m hoping to use this. You won’t be able to see and review Things/OF tasks in the timeline of course, but it’ll be a nice way of feeding tasks into those apps without needing to leave Agenda.


Is there support for undated reminders?

Can’t wait to see it. I’m user because I like your design approach.


Congratulations to Alex and Drew! This new upcoming feature of integrating Reminders in Agenda looks like a really great and very useful improvement!

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So 2Do & Goodtask 3 which sync via iCloud using reminders back-end would work with no issues then I’m assuming…

In principle we only support date reminders to prevent that people’s timeline will get clobbered with dozens of items from a shopping list for example. Perhaps at some point we would allow you to opt-in of doing this, but it won’t be in the upcoming update yet.

That’s correct, given Agenda inserts reminders in store underlying the Reminders app, and the apps you mention do the same, the reminders you create in Agenda should also show in those apps and vice versa.

I can’t wait to have this one in my hands. Any ETA?

Great idea ! …

We hope to start the first betas soon.