Hi, I bought Agenda in 2018 and I checking back if the hand writting feature has made it to the 2020 release. Any plans for sketch / handwritten feature in Agenda ?
We do have support for drawing/writing with Apple Pencil now. That has been in there for around 6 months I think.
What we don’t have is handwriting recognition, where the handwriting gets turned into text. For that, I would recommend a handwriting keyboard like Marzec.
Kind regards,
I’m sorry, but I have to disagree…
Agenda allows you sketch or taking handwritten notes “in one attachment”. Still is not posible sketch o taking handwritten text in one note (like in Notes from Apple).
Please, don’t lose the sense of the difference… Please.
We are unlikely to go that way. We made the decision to make writing/drawing a full screen thing, and don’t have any plans to change that at this stage.
Kind regards,
Muchas gracias por la gestiĂłn y reciba un cordial saludo.
Please show me how to use the Apple Pencil within Agenda. I have been trying for DAYS. It’s for sure a hidden how to
There’s two ways you can use the pencil.
- insert a sketch by using the plus button above the keyboard:
- by writing with the Apple Pencil directly anywhere inside any of the notes. For this you need to have iOS14 on your iPad and use the latest (version 11) update of Agenda.
could we get (an optional) grid or ruled line background? I draw a lot in notes, and I would like to start doing this in Agenda.
It is a common request, and certainly on the list. Will see what we can do. Thanks for the feedback!
Hey @drewmccormack - is this still on the roadmap? I didn’t see it on your feature roadmap. Definitely a tool that would make Agenda just that much better. Keep up the great work.
Which feature? The lines on the page are certainly in the roadmap.
Unfortunately the handwriting recognition is very, very difficult. Apple have only just added it, and they use a heap of expertise in machine learning to do it, and even then, they only handle English AFAIK. (In any case, few languages.)
Apple usually introduce these features in their own app, and then make them available a few years later in others. They have just added it to iOS15 for photos. Perhaps we can leverage that in some ways. Will investigate.
Update: Did a bit of digging. It looks like Apple have exposed the text recognition for developers in iOS 15. We will try to add this in future. In any case, it is possible now, where previously it wasn’t realistically possible for us to do.
Great point - I wasn’t clear. I really just meant the lines on the page. I would love the other feature too, but I get that it is a lot harder.
Lines are high on the todo list. Will try not to make you wait.
Update: Agenda now supports showing lines or grids while making drawings with the Apple Pencil