Side menu items only work on 2nd take

What I did: trying to mark a line with use of the side menu to turn to a heading.

What happened:
marking as header, setting a reminder never works the first attempt, only works the second time.

What I expected:
in all the version before one click and e.g. a line is marked header.

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):
latest, mac os lates.

Can you explain that a little more? Do you mean the popover panel that appears when you click the small dot to the left of the selected paragraph?

Yes, the pop over menu to the left. When trying activating it and trying to select a feature it is unresponsive and you must repeart the process to get it to work. I have two MBP both running 13.3.1 (22E261) with Agenda 17.0.2 (271) but one mac works perfectly and the other is exhibiting this issue.

Update: When I logged out of Agenda on the effected machine and then logged by in, the pop-up menu seems be working. Will do more testing and confirm if this completely resolved the issue.

Very odd but happy to hear it seems to work again, let us know if it occurs again.

sorry, just to clerify it’s not solved! how can i uploaded a video for you so that you see the problem. it’s very anoying. as it affects every third move in agenda.

[video removed]

Ah I see now, it’s when you want to turn an already active style off, we’ll take a look.

thank you in advance!
please delete the video i uploaded! because in the hurry, i overlooked that some text is there that is copyrigthed. thank you!

I edited the post to remove the video.

thank you very much drew!


Hi Oliver, do you still see this issue? And if so, could you email the movie (or a new movie) again to

hello agenda people, the error is still not solved. do you plan to ever solve that thing? it is annoying having to click for any formating of an headline or list item twice.

Can you email a video of the problem to me at I can’t seem to make it happen. The heading seems to work fine for me.

Are you perhaps accidentally pressing the right button instead of left?

hello drew,

please find the video attached!
it shows that one has to open the format window two times in order to get a line format.



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What is interesting about this is that for some reason, when you click the heading button, the cursor disappears from the main window. I assume that is the problem: without a selection, it doesn’t apply anything.

I also notice that the palette in your shot seems to have a very thick border. The lines at the top are much lower than what I see in my screen. I think this might be related.

Have you got any idea what might cause that? Do you use a special windowing extension, or some accessibility settings, that might explain it? Does this same thing happen in a completely new user on the Mac?

I have made changes to the palette in the next release. Perhaps that will help.

that seems to be a promising direction. i tested agenda in my guest user. there the menu is working at first click and the menus is not doubled.
but i use neither a windowing extension, nor accessibility settings. how do you recommend to proceed?


This is happening to me too since Agenda 18 at least. Do you still need a video or a gif? I could provide one.

We have a video from someone. It is very odd. The palette appears with an extra wide border. If they click on Agenda, the palette is a separate window behind the Agenda window.

We haven’t been able to reproduce this, but we suspect it is either a windowing extension, or some setting, like in accessibility.

We have a change coming that we hope will fix the issue, but it is hard to say.

I don’t know what you mean with an extra wide border, I don’t notice that. Just in case It’s useful I recorded a gif.

It’s a small bug but very annoying.

2025-02-28 17.16.36

I had to crop and reduce it’s length because it was 200Mb.

I’m learning all keyboard shortcuts for alls styles because of this so It’s something :smile:

the broader border is actually a second menu. it is not well visible in my first video. please see the new video attached:
once i move the menu - it gets loaded a second time. but the second menu can’t be moved. when both menus are there, one can use it as expected.


(Attachment side menu agenda 2, 2025-03-01.mp4 is missing)

I noticed you have the left panel closed. Is that in any way related? Do you see this problem when the left panel is open too?