It would be very helpful if all of the Shortcuts Action and Triggers documentation (the descriptions that you put into your Shortcuts) could be posted as a text file for us. I have a custom GPT to assist me with creating workflows that involve Agenda. Getting the AppleScript Dictionary for Agenda is easy and thus easy to include in the bot’s knowledge. However, the Shortcuts information is tedious.
What documentation do you mean exactly? Just the docs from the community page? Or something from inside Agenda?
(I don’t think there is any file inside Agenda. It is all done with source code these days.)
Is this what you mean? (7.9 KB)
Excellent! When I am working with ChatGPT on a Shortcut or an AppleScript, it helps a LOT to include specific information for the apps that I am using. For AppleScript, it is easy. I open the apps Dictionary and pull the app-specific information to paste into a text document. If it is a quick thing, I upload the text document. If I am building out a custom GPT that will stick around a while I either convert the knowledge to json or I’ll vectorize it if really serious.
With Shortcuts, there is no simple way of getting the information on what a given Action/Trigger will do for a specific app. ChatGPT has access to the Shortcut basics, but not the app specific stuff.
Bottom line is that your document will help a lot in creating Shortcuts that use Agenda! Thank you.