Sharing issues

What I did: Shared to Agenda

What happened: There aren’t any options of where to share the link. The link went to the first Project I created.

What I expected: I was expecting the process to work as it does in Notes where a dialogue box pops up and there are choices of where to put the link and add text to the process.

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):
Agenda 14.0.4
OS 10:15:7

Thanks for the super clear video, the jumping is indeed a bug, hadn’t noticed it being so bad, possibly related to being on 10.15, we’ll dive into that.

Regarding choosing a different note, you can do this by simply clicking the project of the note at the top, it will then present you with a menu from which you can choose any other project/note in your library:

Screenshot 2022-04-23 at 21.47.04

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Thanks for the reply and the answer