Sharing, Import, Export, and Printing

I really like Agenda. But I simply fail to see how exporting a lot of notes to a SINGLE Markdown file is particularly useful compared to exporting to a bunch of separate notes?

It’s almost a dealbreaker for me (though of course I’ll stick with Agenda, hoping my renewal of the yearly subscription will go towards developing better export :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:).

We hear you, we hope to bring so more options in this area in a future update. Thanks for the feedback!

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Hello, I have an issue when trying to export my handwritten notes from Apple Notes to Agenda via Share Sheet extension. I just can’t see Agenda on iOS nor iPadOS on the app list to choose from. When I do it on my Mac, no issue, I can click share sheet button, I can choose Agenda, select the project, select the note and image version of my Apple Note will be added to Agenda. Why is it not working on iPhone/iPad? Am I doing something wrong? It so convenient to use Apple Notes by tapping the screen with Apple Pencil when in hurry and add it later to Agenda with additional comments. Can you please advise?

Aren’t you seeing Agenda in the share sheet for any app, or is it only missing in the notes app? Are you sure you enabled the sharing extension as shown here?

It is missing only in Apple Notes when I try to share handwritten notes. Agenda is not available on share sheet screen.

If I’d like to share a text note from Apple Notes to Agenda, no issue. I have Agenda on the share sheet screen.

If I choose handwritten note, no Agenda on share sheet screen and not available to add it via „three dots button”.

Is it possible, to share notes with a friend or a family member (same option like in Apple notes)? Like forever. So everyone is able to write something in this note. 2021-08-25T22:00:00Z

Not yet, but you won’t have to wait long…


Thanks for the tips, especially how to import (Share from Files) an exported.agenda file into Agenda on iPadOS. I use the exported.agenda file as a template for projects that have several notes. However, I noticed that from the iPadOS Share Sheet I can only share with top level projects. I cannot share with subcategories. I can manually move the import afterward, but it would be nicer to be able to Share with a project in a Subcategory.

Thanks for reporting that, we’ll have a look at why you wouldn’t be able to select a subcategory.

Is there a way to export your note AND include the images that you’ve captured? Everytime I try to export it only exports the text and I also need the images.

In Agenda 14 the textbundle format will do this, it exports the text as markdown and also export the image files.

Note that using the “Rich Text with Attachments” option, or PDF, should also work. And the native Agenda File format, which you can use to share with other Agenda users, will also include all images etc.

Kind regards,

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I don’t see RTF with attachments on IOS help. thanks

On iOS it is worded differently. To export a note, tap on the yellow button at the top, and choose “Other Actions…” then “Share”. “Note Text” is RTF. I think it should include the attachments, but let us know if it doesn’t. PDF is there too.

Drew thanks for the response. I am probably dense what I am trying to accomplish is take my note in addenda attach files PDFs spreadsheets etc. Then I want to send the note to my assistant and have all the files included. This could be sent in a folder zipped etc but right now I can’t seem to do this… any help would be appreciated.

Does your assistant have Agenda on their computer? If so, best to export as an “Agenda File”. That will be an exact copy of the note, with all attachments. The assistant can then import that.

We recently added a new format: Text Bundle. This also allows attachments, and is supported in many note taking apps. So if your assistant doesn’t have Agenda, but does have some other Text Bundle app, that would work.

Note that Text Bundle is really just a zip file. If you change the file extension to “zip”, it should open right up.

Kind regards,

New here and I know I’m necroing this thread, but I wanted to say that THIS is why I bought Agenda after a few hours of using it. I haven’t found ANY notes app that makes sharing into Agenda or especially out of it so easy, and that includes Evernote.

Try to get an email into another notes app for reference! I’m using Spark 2.0 and that’s what gave me the idea of even trying Agenda in the first place. I’ve tried UpNote, Apple Notes, Obsidian, Evernote, DevonThink Pro, EagleFiler, Bear, KeepIt, Joplin, Notebooks, OneNote; and many more that I’ve missed. I hope I can stop now :grinning:.

I’m kind of old school, and Markdown (like in Bear, even in version 2.0) just doesn’t work for me.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Evernote import ruins tables

Same happens to me: Agenda is not available when I want to share handwritten notes.