Share sheet light/dark mode display issue

What I did: Shared a Kindle App highlight to Agenda note via share sheet.

What happened: Dark Mode Agenda appeared but with black text so it was unreadable.

My last used note was also already selected.

Tapped the Project dropdown list on top and it appeared in Light Mode but with light grey text, so again unreadable.

What I expected: Agenda to appear in Dark Mode with white text per normal use, even with Project dropdown list.

“Select the note…” screen with parachute animation to appear first so that I can select the note.

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc): Version 10.0.1, iOS

This seems to only happen with the Kindle App. Was not able to replicate this onSafari and other apps I use.

Thanks for reporting the issue, very weird that it only happens in the Kindle app. We’ll investigate.