Can you be more specific? I assume you mean you used the share extension to send the image to Agenda, correct? And you then choose which note you want to put it in, and where.
Can you explain which part you find tedious? How would you prefer that it worked in your ideal scenario?
I mean it as described above. Unfortunately, this still doesn’t work.
I then take a long detour and have to save each screenshot in the photo library first. Then I import the image into my note using the “Add from Photo Library” button.
These are unnecessary steps. I would like to send the images directly to Agenda and save them successfully in a note.
After a few tests, I see that the images are not always saved as empty attachments in Agenda. Screenshots from native apps can be inserted completely more often, e.g. Safari or Notes almost always and weather or calendar randomly. With other apps, e.g. Aloha, this generally does not work.
I have no idea why this happens and where the differences are.