Share PDF to Microsoft Outlook on Mac

When sharing PDF to MIcrosoft outlook for mac, the attachment dont show in email.

Do you mean the attachments in the note, like images?

I believe that the file attachments will indeed not be embedded. That is due to limitations of the Apple PDF framework we use. It doesn’t support embedding file attachments.

If you need a file with file attachments, you could try Rich Text with Attachments (RTFD).

Note that the Agenda Archive format also supports attachments, but requires others to have Agenda.

Kind regards,

When i used the Mail App, i used to be able to share Agenda note to email, with attachment, no problem. As seen in photo, no attachment when i share my Agenda note as PDF to Microsoft Outlook.

Any chance you have a note with an ampersand in the title? Outlook doesn’t like these.

No ampersand in the title. I now have to export note to PDF on my PC. Then open mails and attach exported PDF to my e-mail. It will be easier to just share note as PDF to e-mail.

I experience the exact same issue. I do not have ampersand in the title nor anywhere in the notes.

Does anyone knows how to fix that issue?