Seriouse delay when typing

What I did:
Editing text.
What happened:
Seriouse delay when typing, especially inputting Chinese, Backspace, Space and any insertion option.
What I expected:
need it work SMOOTH.
Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):

There should not be a long delay. Are you seeing it when you are doing something in particular, like editing a long note, or editing a note in a project with very many notes? Or perhaps editing text in a table, or in a note with many images?

I got several daily logs to maintain. The longest one has 10588 characters(counted by copying to Word), and has 8 images. It’s only 17mb as an exported PDF. I think it’s not a quite large project isn’t it?

I have experienced something similar. I noticed it happens when Agenda is syncing in the background.

For Agenda, that is quite a long note. Sounds like it is many pages long. For better performance, you would be better to split it into several smaller notes. There are commands for splitting notes into two. For a log, you may be better with a project containing one note per day or week. Something like that.