Search excluding categories

Hi, I am trying to create a list of all notes that contain tasks but are not assigned to a specific category. I haven’t been able to do this. How should I proceed? Thanks and best regards, Moritz

I think you would do it like this:

  1. Search \todo
  2. Search \category(cateogry_name)
  3. Click on the token for category, and choose “Excluded”

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Thanks, Drew, for your feedback. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for me (I had already tried it). When I also click on the “Category” token and select „Excluded," it does turn red, but the results list doesn’t change at all. Could this be a bug? Thanks and best regards,

It seems like it might be. We’ll look into it. Thanks!

I’m having the same issue with excluding a certain person from search. I clicked their name and checked “Excluded”, but the search shows me only notes containing that person. This is iOS. Haven’t tried on macOS yet

OK, thanks! We’ll investigate.

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I think I have a fix for this. Will be in the next minor update. Please let me know if the issue persists.

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This does seem to be working now - thanks!

Glad it worked out! Let us know if we can help with anything.