Reminder Mark as Complete

What I did: attempted to mark as complete a reminder

What happened: could not save mark reminder complete as only cancel and delete options are available.

What I expected: to be able to save mark as complete a reminder

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):

v14 ios

Update, this happens when a reminder is past due that i am unable to save mark as complete.

Hey, you see the toggle switch in the center of the screen that says “Mark as completed”, right?

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Yep. I see it! :slightly_smiling_face: Once it’s toggled can’t save… only cancel or delete.

Oh yeah I see it now. Sorry I can’t help ya haha

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Thanks for reporting, we’ll have a look.

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I am experiencing a similar issue in the macOS version (Agenda 14.0.2.; macOS Monterey 12.3.1).

Thanks for confirming, we’ll investigate what’s going on.

Update: this issue should be fixed in Agenda 14.0.4

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