Reminder alert can't create if in the AM of the day

What I did: I’ve set a Reminder towards a task “A” in the morning 11 AM slot or any slot earlier than 12 PM

What happened: Agenda Keep resetting to 12:00 PM onwards, can’t seem have the reminder time booked earlier than 12:00 PM of the day

What I expected: Is it a bug ? or a feature? Am I missing something ?

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):
I am using it on the iOS 14.0.1, iPhone X, also attached a video clip for the preference

iOS14 has introduced a new date picker, we’ll have to adapt the app to use this new one, hope to do so in an update soon.

Update: This issue should be fixed in the upcoming version 11.2 update