Quick way back to Today?

When I’ve navigated far away from Today in the Overview, on mobile it takes a lot of taps in different places to get back to it. Is there a quick way that I’m not aware of?

This is what I currently do:

  1. Tap magnifying glass top left
  2. Tap calendar top right
  3. Tap “Today” near bottom
  4. Tap “Filter” top right

Some things I tried thinking they might give me an option to return to Today:

  • Tap and hold on the date at the top of the screen
  • Tap the 3 dots in the sidebar next to the overview


I’m not completely understanding what you are trying to do. Is this about the calendar on the right of Agenda?

If so, there is a small circle button that appears when you scroll away from Today. Pressing that brings you back.

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 09.38.11

Sorry for not being clear.

In the Today overview you can navigate to different dates or ranges.

Here’s the header of the Today overview after navigating to a different date:

And here’s the sidebar when you’ve navigated to a range:

What’s a quick way to get it back to showing Today? Currently I can’t find any way quicker than 4 taps all around the screen:

  1. Tap magnifying glass top left
  2. Tap calendar top right
  3. Tap “Today” near bottom
  4. Tap “Filter” top right


If you find yourself switching a lot between some day range and Today, an alternative could be to simply create a dedicated Today overview (or one for the date range that is important say that week).

Good idea, I’ll do that.

That said, in the Mac app you can reset it with a single click of the ‘o’ that appears, so would be good to have something similar on Mobile:

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