Project Statuses

Would Be Great if projects had over all deadlines, target dates, etc. It would be able to take a note with a due date and mark as done, then the note/event. could then roll up to the project details, done vs. not dones. This would really help. So effectively a Note can be a note or a task.

Then when the project is done/completed, it could be marked Completed, this would then sleep/remove all Notes / sub elements off the agenda.

Thanks for the feedback. We have some ideas about adding more control at the task/paragraph level in future, which would help with this.

Note that you can already use #due tags in notes (Eg. #due(tomorrow))



I’d also love to be able to designate a project as “on hold” kind of the way OmniFocus lets you set a project status that way. You still see it, but it’s greyed out.

Interesting. What is the point of that? Is it just a visual clue?

We have some ideas about archiving of projects, which is another way to get things out of the way for a bit.

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In OmniFocus, it marks tasks in that on-hold project as unavailable and keeps them filtered out of other views.

In Agenda, I’d imagine it might be mainly just a visual cue, similar I guess to the request for project statuses above. I’d think the title of an on-hold project would be greyed out in the sidebar project list.

And yeah, sounds like archiving might serve a similar purpose (and make a home for projects that are done but which the user wants to keep archived).